ଛାଞ୍ଚ:Infobox ethnic group
[ସମ୍ପାଦନା]{{Infobox ethnic group |group = |population = |region1 = |pop1 = |ref1 = |region2 = |pop2 = |ref2 = |region3 = |pop3 = |ref3 = |region4 = |pop4 = |ref4 = |region5 = |pop5 = |ref5 = |region6 = |pop6 = |ref6 = |region7 = |pop7 = |ref7 = |region8 = |pop8 = |ref8 = |region9 = |pop9 = |ref9 = |region10 = |pop10 = |ref10 = |region11 = |pop11 = |ref11 = |languages = |religions = |related = |footnotes = }}
[ସମ୍ପାଦନା]تاجيک Тоҷик | |
ସମୁଦାୟ ଜନସଂଖ୍ୟା | |
c. 16.5 to 28.5 million | |
ସଂଖ୍ୟାଧିକ ଜନସଂଖ୍ୟା ଥିବା ଅଞ୍ଚଳ | |
![]() | 8,400,000[୧] |
![]() | 5,849,331[୨] |
![]() (estimates vary) | 1,365,356 or 4,915,284 or 11,000,000[୩] [୪] [୫] |
![]() | 1,700,000 |
![]() | 900,000 |
![]() | 500,000 |
![]() | 120,000 |
![]() | 93,000 |
![]() | 87,000 |
![]() | 41,000 |
![]() | 419 [୬] [୭] [୮] |
ଭାଷାସମୂହ | |
Persian (varieties of Dari and Tajik) | |
ଧର୍ମ | |
Islam (mostly Sunni) | |
ସମ୍ବନ୍ଧିତ ସମ୍ପ୍ରଦାୟ | |
Other Iranian peoples | |
Footnotes | |
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet...
{{Infobox ethnic group |group = Tajiks |native_name = تاجيک {{unicode|Тоҷик}} |population = 16.5 to 28.5 million |region1 = {{flag|Afghanistan}} |pop1 = 8,400,000 |ref1 = {{lower|<ref>...</ref>}} |region2 = {{flag|Tajikistan}} |pop2 = 5,849,331 |ref2 = {{lower|<ref>...</ref>}} |region3 = {{flag|Uzbekistan}}<br>{{spaces|9}}<small>(estimates vary)</small> |pop3 = 1,365,356<br>or 4,915,284<br>or 11,000,000 |ref3 = {{lower|0.75em|<ref>...</ref>}}<br>{{lower|1.35em|<ref>...</ref>}}<br>{{lower|1.9em|<ref>...</ref>}} |region4 = {{flag|Iran}} |pop4 = 1,700,000 |ref4 = |region5 = {{flag|Pakistan}} |pop5 = 900,000 |ref5 = |region6 = {{flag|Russia}} |pop6 = 500,000 |ref6 = |region7 = {{flag|Germany}} |pop7 = 120,000 |ref7 = |region8 = {{flag|United States}} |pop8 = 93,000 |ref8 = |region9 = {{flag|Qatar}} |pop9 = 87,000 |ref9 = |region10 = {{flag|People's Republic of China|name=China (PRC)}} |pop10 = 41,000 |ref10 = |languages = [[Persian language|Persian]] (varieties of [[Dari (Eastern Persian)|Dari]] and [[Tajik language|Tajik]]) |religions = [[Islam]] (mostly [[Sunni]]) |related = Other [[Iranian peoples]] |footnotes = Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet...<br>{{reflist}}
[ସମ୍ପାଦନା]All parameters optional except group.
group | Name of the group (e.g. "Armenians"). |
native_name | Name in local language. If more than one, separate using {{Plain list}} |
native_name_lang | ISO 639-2 code e.g. "fr" for French. If more than one, use {{lang}} instead |
flag | To specify a flag image below the titlebar; see below for example. Please be cautious about using this: most ethnic groups do not have a strongly associated flag. |
flag_caption | Caption to be placed below flag (if used). |
image | To specify an image below the titlebar (or flag); see below for example. |
rawimage | To specify raw code for an image below the titlebar. Overrides image. |
image_caption | (or caption) Caption to be placed below image (if used). |
population | (or pop or poptime) Worldwide population. |
genealogy | Worldwide population under criteria including assimilated diasporas (useful to distinguish from population for certain ethnicities). |
regions | (or popplace) To introduce and/or indicate regional populations. |
tablehdr | Heading above list of regions (region1, region2, etc.). |
region1 | To list first region. |
pop1 | To list population in first region. |
ref1 | To list footnote/s and/or URL/s for first region's information. |
region2 | Ditto second region. |
pop2 | |
ref2 | |
...... | |
region31 | Ditto thirty-first (and, currently, last) region. |
pop31 | |
ref31 | |
languages | (or langs) List of languages spoken by group. |
religions | (or rels) List of group's religious affiliations. |
related | List of other ethnic groups related to the group. |
footnotes | List of footnotes |
Example use of flag, flag_caption, image and image_caption (caption)
[ସମ୍ପାଦନା](flag and flag_caption for Basque people, image and image_caption for Zulu people)
|flag = Flag of the Basque Country.svg |flag_caption = The [[Ikurriña]], flag of the [[Basque Country]] |image = Image:ZuluWarriors.jpg |image_caption = Zulu warriors (late nineteenth century)
[ସମ୍ପାଦନା]- Subtemplates
- Use {{Start date and age}} for the date on which an organisation was "established", "founded", "opened" or otherwise started, unless that date is before 1583 CE.
- Use {{URL}} for an organisation's URL.
Please do not remove instances of these subtemplates.
- Classes used
The HTML classes of this microformat include:
- adr
- agent
- category
- country-name
- extended-address
- fn
- geo
- label
- latitude
- locality
- longitude
- nickname
- note
- org
- region
- street-address
- url
- vcard
Please do not rename or remove these classes
nor collapse nested elements which use them.
nor collapse nested elements which use them.