ଉଇକିପିଡ଼ିଆ:Contact us/WMF

To contact us by mail or you wish to contact an official.
Contact the Wikimedia Foundation.
Wikipedia is hosted by the Wikimedia Foundation, charitable non-profit Florida law. People who meet the email addresses listed on our site are volunteers most often with no legal connection Wikimedia Foundation.
If you wish to contact an official , you must contact Wikimedia Foundation. The Wikimedia Foundation's mailing address is:
- Wikimedia Foundation Inc..
- PO Box 78350
- San Francisco, CA 94107-8350
For any legal process (subpoena, etc..), You must send your letter (in English) to the designated representative:
- Wikimedia Foundation
- c/o CT Corporation System
- 818 West Seventh Street
- Los Angeles, California 90017
Wikimedia Foundation has no office or legal representative outside the United States of America.
See also the Foundation website .
Wikimedia Foundation has no editorial department. If you find an error in an article, but this error does not fit into the frames very small (defamation etc.) Which may be subject to legal remedies, it is useless to write to this address. You can correct your own false claims using the tab "edit" at the top of each article.