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ମଡ୍ୟୁଲ:Other uses


This module produces an "other uses" hatnote for linking to disambiguation pages. It implements the {{other uses}} template.

Usage from wikitext


This module cannot be used directly from wikitext. Please use the {{other uses}} template instead.

Usage from Lua


To use this module from Lua, first load the module:

local mOtheruses = require('Module:Other uses')

The module can then be used with the following syntax:

mOtheruses._otheruses(args, options)
A table containing strings of link text, without brackets. For example, {"PAGE1", "PAGE2#SECTION", "PAGE3|LABEL"}. Make sure that there are no gaps or nil values, as that can confuse the mw.text.listToText() function the module uses. If in doubt, use compressSparseArray() from Module:TableTools. This may be empty or nil.
A table containing a number of optional named values; you must supply at least one of options.defaultPage or options.title; in most cases setting the latter to mw.title.getCurrentTitle().text is advisable. The following options are supported:
  • defaultPage: String; completely overrides the linked page when no arguments are supplied
  • title: String; sets the title used before the "(disambiguation)" suffix.
  • disambiguator: String; replaces "disambiguation" in the suffix
  • otherText: String; replaces "uses" in "other uses"

local mHatnote = require('Module:Hatnote')
local mHatlist = require('Module:Hatnote list')
local mArguments --initialize lazily
local mTableTools --initialize lazily
local libraryUtil = require('libraryUtil')
local checkType = libraryUtil.checkType
local p = {}

-- Produces standard {{other uses}} implementation
function p.otheruses(frame)
	mArguments = require('Module:Arguments')
	mTableTools = require('Module:TableTools')
	local args = mTableTools.compressSparseArray(mArguments.getArgs(frame))
	local title = mw.title.getCurrentTitle().text
	return p._otheruses(args, {title=title})

-- Main generator
function p._otheruses(args, options)
	--Type-checks and defaults
	checkType('_otheruses', 1, args, 'table', true)
	args = args or {}
	checkType('_otheruses', 2, options, 'table')
	if not (options.defaultPage or options.title) then
		error('No default title data provided in "_otheruses" options table', 2)
	if #args == 0 then
		args = {
			options.defaultPage or
			mHatnote.disambiguate(options.title, options.disambiguator)
	--Generate and return hatnote
	local text = mHatlist.forSeeTableToString({{
		use = options.otherText and "other " .. options.otherText or nil,
		pages = args
	return mHatnote._hatnote(text)

return p