ଛାଞ୍ଚ:Location map Greenland

Location map of Greenland
name Greenland
x 50.0 + 302.4185124782328 * ((1.5794425159987988-({{{2}}}* pi / 180)) * sin(0.9479693044294399 * ({{{3}}} - -42.5) * pi / 180))
y 50.0 + 0.70760934691432 * 302.4185124782328 * 0.006767623881934526 - 0.70760934691432 * 302.4185124782328 * (0.32280545456288157 - (1.5794425159987988-({{{2}}}* pi / 180)) * cos(0.9479693044294399 * ({{{3}}} - -42.5) * pi / 180))
image Greenland edcp location map.svg
Location map Greenland
image1 Greenland edcp relief location map.jpg
Location map Greenland

How to use an alternative map[ସମ୍ପାଦନା]

This template normally displays the map shown above as image:

  • Greenland edcp location map.svg.

The AlternativeMap parameter in Template:Location map can be used to display the following image:

  • Greenland edcp relief location map.jpg

Further instructions and examples can be found at Template:Location map#Using Alternative Map.