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null-subject language

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language whose grammar permits an independent clause to lack an explicit subject; such a clause is said to have a null subject; e.g. Arabic, Japanese, Latin, Spanish (but not English)

External resources

ଫ୍ରୀବେସ ସୂଚକ
Microsoft Academic ID

ଏହାର ମୁଖ୍ୟଶ୍ରେଣୀ


ମୁଖ୍ୟ ବିଷୟ

null subject parameter
linguistic typology

studied in

linguistic typology

different from

pro-drop language[]

କମନ୍ସ ଶ୍ରେଣୀ

Null subject


  1. Freebase Data Dumps, ୨୮ ଅକ୍ଟୋବର 2013
  2. https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Null-subject_language&oldid=1026842998, ୪ ଜୁନ 2021