ଖୋଜା ଫଳାଫଳ
ଆପଣ ଖୋଜିଥିବା ପ୍ରଶ୍ନ ପାଇଁ କିଛି ଫଳ ମିଳିଲା ନାହିଁ ।
"Kimse" ନାମରେ ପ୍ରସଙ୍ଗଟିଏ ଏହି ଉଇକିରେ ଗଢ଼ନ୍ତୁ!
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person: being that has certain capacities or attributes constituting personhood (avoid use with P31 [instance of]; use Q5 [human] for humans)
Chiemsee: freshwater lake in Bavaria, Germany
Kim Se-jeong: South Korean singer and actress
germinal center: activated center of a lymphoid follicle in secondary lymphoid tissue
Lynn Kimsey: U.S. entomologist
potter's field: place for the burial of unknown or indigent people or prisoners