ଛାଞ୍ଚ:Google scholar/doc



Creates a Google Scholar search link. This template takes two unnamed input parameters:

  1. A string to search for. (Optional.)
  2. Link text to display on your wiki page. (Optional.)

Do not use in articles[ସମ୍ପାଦନା]


Type this To get this What it produces, or searches for
{{google scholar}} Search: Google Scholar Create a link to an empty Google Scholar search form
{{google scholar|David Branby}} David Branby Search for scholarly articles by, or mentioning: David Branby
{{google scholar|Steven Chu}} Steven Chu Search for scholarly articles by, or containing: Steven Chu
{{google scholar|Steven Chu|Search for articles by, or mentioning: Steven Chu}} Search for articles by, or mentioning: Steven Chu The above search with our own link text

Citation tools[ସମ୍ପାଦନା]

If you are searching with Google Scholar because you want to generate citations to insert in Wikipedia articles, see {{Google scholar cite}}, a more capable version of this template which links to this citation tool: the Universal reference formatter.

See also[ସମ୍ପାଦନା]