Utahraptor ostrommaysorum

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species of reptile (fossil)

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fossil taxon

ର: Utahraptor ostrommaysi

short name

U. ostrommaysorum[୨]

taxon name

Utahraptor ostrommaysorum[୩]

taxon author: James I. Kirkland, Robert G. Gaston, Donald Burge

year of publication of scientific name for taxon: 1993

taxon rank


parent taxon


described by source: Vertebrate Palaeontology

ନାମରେ ନାମିତ

Chris Mays
John Ostrom


  1. Commentaries on different uses of the specific epithet of the large dromaeosaurid Utahraptor Kirkland et al., 1993 (Dinosauria, Theropoda)
  2. inferred from taxon name
  3. Template:Kirkland et al., 1993